
  • Max Msp Patch Youtube Broadcast
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 23. 03:18

    As we’ve seen in earlier tutorials, the use of time is an important part of working with Max programs; time-based objects can help create generative music and drawing actions, and can be used in conjunction with user actions to create playable programs. The metrical timing system introduced in Max 5 provides a centralized 'musical' timing system that can provide transport controls, bar/beat feedback and can even cause scheduled events to fire at specific points in time. Part of this is the ability to define specific times and time durations in metrically-significant ways. The left-hand side of the tutorial has five small patches that show the operation of a handful of new objects that deal with time in Max. Patch 1 provides an example of the object, which can be used to delay the throughput of any message or list for a certain amount of time. The argument provides the default delay time – in this case, 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

    Max Msp Patch Youtube Broadcast

    If you change the value of the left number box, you will see your changes reflected in the output 1 second later. The delay time can be changed with a value sent to the right inlet – an integer value is used to set the number of milliseconds of delay time. Change the right-hand number box to 2000, then change the left input – you will now see the changes occur after a 2 second delay. The patch labeled 4 demonstrates another object that counts elapsed time: the object. This object takes bang messages in both inlets; the left inlet starts the interval to be timed, and the right inlet stops the interval. The object is therefore equivalent to a stopwatch; click the left-hand to start the clock, wait a few seconds, and then click the right-hand to see how much time has elapsed.

    Note that is a slightly unusual Max object in that its right inlet is hot (produces output), not its left inlet. The fifth patch shows some of the most common boolean objects in action. The (greater-than) object implements a comparison function; it outputs a 1 if the incoming number is great than the number used as an argument, or a 0 if it is not; the object therefore performs a test, reporting TRUE ( 1) or FALSE ( 0). The (less-than) object is the inverse, reporting true or false ( 1 or 0) depending on whether the input is lower than the object's argument. Both of these symbols are in common use across mathematics. The remaining logical objects will probably be more familiar to programmers. The (equals) object reports a 1 only when the incoming number is equal to the argument, while the (not equals) is its inverse – it reports a 1 when the incoming number is not equal to the argument.

    As with many Max objects, a new comparison operator can be supplied by a number sent into the right inlet of the object. The large patch on the right (labeled 6) is a performance patch that uses all of these new objects (and some old ones) within the context of the metrical timing system. Start the patch (using the large yellow at the top); you will hear a steady beat out of your default MIDI synthesizer, with variations that occur at different times throughout the performance. The performance is looped, rerunning itself every 16 measures. In order to understand this rather complex patch, we first need to understand the metrical time system. Metrical timing is based on a central time-keeping object – the – and its ability to broadcast time information to other objects that are expecting timing information. Many of these “listening” objects are already familiar to us or have been introduced in this tutorial.

    We have used these objects in self-clocking mode, where they use a timebase expressed in milliseconds to produce output at regular times. When used in conjunction with the object, however, time is expressed using metrical notation: values such as 4n (for a quarter-note) can be used as an alternative to millisecond timing notation. Our “big checkbox” starts the process – mainly because it starts the. The accepts a 1/ 0 message for start and stop, which is perfect for control by a. The also starts the to the left (part of the “red” section of the patch), which uses 4n as the timing argument. In the past, we’ve used milliseconds for the object's timing, but in this case, the 4n notation means that it will send out a bang every quarter note, based on the timing broadcast by the transport.

    The output of this goes to two places: to a box that creates a MIDI note 70 (via ), and back to the. Why does it get routed to the? Because a bang message received by the will cause it to output the current time, which we display in three boxes connected to the first three outlets of the object. This time is displayed in bars, beats and ticks, respectively. There are 480 ticks per beat (480 pulses-per-quarter-note, or ppq, by default). Next, let’s look at the “green” section of the patch. This uses the bar count (as output by the ), and uses the and objects to determine if we are between bars 4 and 8.

    If we are in that range, it turns on another that is clocked at 16n (16th notes). This generates a random number used to create one of four values (using the and objects); these numbers are sent to the object to generate MIDI notes. That value is also sent to a object with an argument of 4nd, which delays the values by a dotted-quarter note. This output has 7 added to it, causing output that, when sent to the MIDI synthesizer, sounds a perfect fifth above the original. The result is a rapid-fire set of notes for a four-bar segment of the loop.

    Let’s now dig into the “blue” section, which is the part of the patch that forces the sequence to loop. The head of this section of the patch is a new object:. The object takes a metrical time as an argument; its sole purpose is to generate a bang message when that metrical time is reached by the. In this case, when we reach the beginning of the measure 17 (i.e.

    After sixteen measures), a four-note chord of numbers is sent to the, then a bang message is sent all the way back to a connected to the right inlet of the transport. This message ( 0.) tells the transport to immediately jump to tick 0. Of the sequence, i.e. Bar 1, beat 1 and tick 0. This is how we force the sequence to loop: every time we hit the 17th bar, we are immediately sent back to the beginning.

    Next, we should decode the “brown” section of the patch. It uses and objects to watch for the space bar (ASCII 32) being depressed. When this happens, a object receives a bang on both inlets. Because Max objects transmit messages in right-to-left order, hitting the space bar simultaneously stops the with a bang to the right (and outputs the elapsed time) and restarts it for another measurement with a bang to the left. The object outputs the elapsed time in milliseconds; we divide 60000 (the number of milliseconds in a minute) by the time to get a bpm (beats-per-minute) value. However, we want this bpm value to fit in a sensible range, so we use the object, and only use values that are between 30. If we are within this range, will output the number out its left outlet, and the value gets used to create a tempo message that is sent to the.


    This will immediately change the playback tempo of the sequence, and will change the relative speeds of many (but not all) of the objects used to create our sequence. If the outputs a value outside of the object's range (for example, if we haven't hit the space bar in a while), it will be sent out the right outlet of the object and discarded. One of the reasons that not all of the sequence is changed is because some of the patch functions use standard (millisecond) timing rather than metrical time. The right-most (“blue-and-purple”) section of the patch is a good example. A object is fired when the transport time is at bar 6, beat 3.

    Max Msp Patch Youtube Broadcast Schedule

    This starts a that runs for 10 seconds (10,000 milliseconds), producing a two-note chord every quarter-note ( 4n). The object also sends a bang to a 3000 object, which produces a two-note chord 3000 milliseconds after it receives the message. At a very slow tempo, this may occur only a few beats after the is fired, while at rapid tempo, if may take many bars. This is a good example of how metrical and standard time can be mixed and matched for interesting generative results. Note that the object's running time is compared against a object to switch itself off after 10 seconds. A object tracking the interval between the start and stop of the object confirms this. Since our tutorial patch is, in fact, time-critical, it will perform best with Overdrive turned on.

    If Overdrive is off, you may see that the transport output display doesn’t always occur on the 0 tick, and you may find that playback gets jerky when the density of notes is high or you perform other tasks on your computer (such as opening another patcher in Max). Modern computers are incredibly fast, but our ears are very sensitive to timing discontinuities. Therefore, when working on patches that sequence events in a time-critical way, it is normally advisable to turn Overdrive on. In this tutorial, we covered an extensive new system within Max: the metrical timing system.

    This provides a centralized timing control for your Max patch, coordinating the generation of events and easing the creation of musical sequences. We also learned about several new time-based object, including, and, which can be used (either with or without metrical timing) to create sequenced actions. Finally, we saw the use of boolean comparison and logical operator objects to aid in decision making within a complex patch.

    See Also NameDescriptionDelay numbers or listsDelay a bang before passing it on.Report elapsed time, at regular intervalsReport elapsed time between two eventsIs greater than, comparison of two numbersIs less than, comparison of two numbersCompare two numbers, output 1 if they are equalCompare two numbers, output 1 if they are not equalIf both numbers are non-zero, output a 1If either of two numbers is non-zero, output a 1Control a master clock and report time values.Output a bang when a transport reaches a specific time.Look for a range of numbers.

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